Life's for living. It is all about growth and progression, exploring your own personal sense of individuality, finding your true passions and embarking on a phase of self-development.
In order to life your best life to the full, you need to learn to step out of your comfort zone.
By staying stuck within your comfort zone, you’re unlikely to grow as a person and explore
your interests, and you are more likely to miss out on opportunities to live your life.
Here are five simple ways to step out of your comfort zone and reclaim your life!
1. Overcome negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts - such as fear and self-doubt - serve no purpose for you, and they hold
you back. Learn to take risks. Learn to believe in yourself and have faith and confidence in your abilities. Think positively and challenge negative thinking patterns. Feel the fear and do what you want to do anyway!
2. Make a plan.
Sometimes, we might feel scared because a goal seems impossible to achieve or
unattainable. Plus, as Black women, we might be more prone to experiencing
discouragement and hurdles that set us back. Achieving your goals - whether they are
professional or personal - will not happen overnight, so write out a plan of how you want to reach your destination, so to speak. Your goals needs to be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Focused. Have a clear vision of what you want and take baby steps to get there. Also, you must be dedicated, hardworking and committed to making your goal work for you.